Opening hours winter 2019

The CEM3340 reissue saves the day

Opening hours for delivery and pickup is at present restricted to weekdays between 10:00 and 16:00. Exceptions by appointment only.

Always get in touch prior to stopping by so we can coordinate field work and recording services with your visit.


Tube Amp Doctor valves available

We’re happy join the ranks of Tube Amp Doctor dealers. From now on we can provide quality thermionic valves to all our Norwegian customers, as well as a fine range of amp parts.

Until we have a webshop open, get in touch for a quote.


No more *big* old synths, please

We’re sorry to announce that we have to pause accepting the bigger old digital*  synth beasts for service. Making ends meet demands a smaller parts stock and faster turn-around, so we have to keep things simple for the foreseeable future.

As a rule of thumb, this means anything old, big and heavy with presets is out. Some models with hard to source parts are out. Most things all analogue are still in.

Examples (Not exhaustive or complete):


  • Anything Casio, Ensoniq or Kurzweil
  • Roland Jupiter 8
  • Roland Jupiter 6
  • Roland JX anything
  • Sequential Circuits Prophet 600
  • Sequential Circuits Six-trak
  • Yamaha CS80
  • Yamaha CS60
  • Yamaha CS40M

In – with parts in stock:

  • ARP 2600
  • ARP Odyssey
  • Korg Delta
  • Korg MS20
  • Korg MS10
  • Moog Minimoog
  • Moog Prodigy
  • Novation Nova
  • Novation Supernova
  • Roland SH101
  • Roland Juno 6, 60, 106

Always get in touch prior to coming by, to see if we can help you with your particular instrument. In extraordinary cases, we will still try to help out with said monsters.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

* Digital as in anything with memory for presets

NAG Records returns

We’ve joined up with the Nihilist Assault Group and mEMetic ASsembly to revitalize the long dormant NAG Records. New releases are planned for 2018, and we’ll make sure to add to the sonics involved. Details to come. Cheers.

Moving the repair shop

Aaton Cantar X3
One of NRK’s Cantar X3’s fresh from service

In december, we’re moving to a new location. We will not be accepting orders until we’ve reinstalled ourselves in a suitable location.

Studio services in Studio Sibir are closed as of Nov 3rd 2017. We still offer the same services through Earport Studios (Fornebu) and Dropsfabrikken (Grünerløkka).

Looking for a new place

Our headquarters since 2003 is being torn down to make room for apartments.

We therefore urgently  need a new location for the Oslo repair shop. Must be able to house

  • 1 – 2 men working full time
  • 10 – 15 amplifiers
  • 10 – 20 synthesizers
  • a couple of visitors at the time

It must be possible to test amplifiers and monitors at full volume, and ventilation is essential. We will of course supply necessary sound proofing. Possibilities for studio work is a big bonus. Access to a recording area would be great.

We keep our floor and finances tidy, and promise there will be no bikes, mustache wax or micro brew.