Gearing up for summer 2022

There will be some changes starting may 1st:

  • The studio and repair shop splits up to make space for more traffic. We’re still at the same floor, but check both door bells if no one answers.
  • Our rates increase to meet the growing prices and market instability – We’ll be billing NOK 1200 + MVA / hour for general repairs – minimum fee of NOK 400,- (600,- + MVA / 200,- for guitar effect boxes) from now on.
  • Our long neglected paint- and mechanics shop move to the same address, so there will be a new batch of FX-pedals coming.

No more Russian tubes

For obvious reasons, we do not offer Russian tubes until

  1. Russia withdraws from Ukraine and
  2. Russia admits to their war crimes and makes a proper fucking effort to redeem their atrocious acts

Until then, we do not offer any Russian produced valves such as Sovtek, Tung-Sol, Svetlana, Electro-Harmonix, “Mullard” or anything by New Sensor Corporation made at the Saratov plant. We will offer old stock as long as they last, but we’re eagerly watching TAD and JJ gearing up for future audio culture maintenace.

EHX update:

Busy in June

We’ve received a few custom orders that will take most of our capacity in June 2021. This means we’re taking a pause in synth repairs, and for anything else, please ask for an apointment in advance.

Big thanks to our friends who have filled up our repair shop – It’s been quiet for too long, but we made it through the 197 days Oslo lock down. Big up to Dum Dum Boys, Hedvig Mollestad, Lindstrøm, David Wallumrød, Bugge Wesseltoft, Todd Terje, Dan Tyler, Deluxe Music and Christian Wibe in particular, for helping us survive 2020 and its aftermath.

You absolutely rock.