Price increase June 2024

In an attempt to save the repair shop, and to get a more focused traffic, we’ll be increasing our prices on repair services starting June 1st. New prices are

  • Guitar effects: NOK 800,- / hour + MVA
  • Guitars and guitar amplifiers: NOK 1200,- / hour + MVA
  • Outboard: NOK 1400,- / hour + MVA
  • Synthesizers: NOK 1400,- / hour + MVA

Minimum fee, any service: 400 + MVA.
Also, there will be a small fee for each invoice sendt to handle accountant costs. (NOK 20,- + MVA). Heavy objects such as speakers and transformers will ad a postage fee on import when not stocked (Usually between NOK 170 and 400,- + MVA).

Vendors and service partners will receive their usual discounts. Orders already in will be processed with the old prices. Cheers.