Looking for a new place

Our headquarters since 2003 is being torn down to make room for apartments.

We therefore urgently  need a new location for the Oslo repair shop. Must be able to house

  • 1 – 2 men working full time
  • 10 – 15 amplifiers
  • 10 – 20 synthesizers
  • a couple of visitors at the time

It must be possible to test amplifiers and monitors at full volume, and ventilation is essential. We will of course supply necessary sound proofing. Possibilities for studio work is a big bonus. Access to a recording area would be great.

We keep our floor and finances tidy, and promise there will be no bikes, mustache wax or micro brew.

Your high end audio dealer

Get your headroom from us

We’re in the process of setting up a web shop and show room for our new expansion in the audio pro community – As dealer and distributor of an exclusive selection of our favorite brands.

We’ll keep the suspense going for a little while yet, before we announce it properly, meaning vague hints and tweets for those who haven’t already visited our offices. Stay tuned.